Progamer to Programmer

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Little Prince

The 2007 Komikon was held yesterday. I wasn't able to attend, but this event reminds me of several stories from the previous Komikons. I remember 3 years back, when my Skewed chummers were working on their own independent comic. They were rushing to get everything printed and stapled, so they could sell it (at minimal profit) at the convention.

I thought to myself, "Wow, these guys are COOL! They're actually chasing their dream - little by little - starting with a photocopied and hand-stapled comic book!".

Imagine my surprise when I got to the convention and found out that their comic was simply one of what appeared to be a hundred other indie comics.

That story is similar to the story of the rose from The Little Prince. The prince lives on a tiny remote asteroid, where he keeps and cares for a single rose. A conversation between him and the rose causes him to go on a journey which takes him to Earth. On Earth, he stumbles upon a rose garden, with hundreds and hundreds of roses. It is there that he realizes that his rose is not as special as he believed it to be.

The story does not end there, of course. The prince goes through several more adventures (such as meeting the fox), in which he realizes that his rose is special after all.

I first read this book when I was nine. I found the drawings at the start of the book to be very amusing, but got too bored to even reach the part where The Little Prince appeared. I successfully finished the book when I tried reading it again during high school. The chapter with the tippler (who drank to forget that he was ashamed of drinking) caused me to laugh uncontrollably. The chapter of the fox made me want to cry. I found the rest of the book to be confusing.

I revisited the story again today through wikipedia, and was amazed at the amount of things that I missed! The Streetlighter actually represents those of us who become so entangled with work that there is no time for anything else! I also just discovered the striking similarity between the taming of the fox and the stories that my dad (and other elders) used to tell me about how to court a girl. I want to read this book again, to uncover all of those hidden gems which I didn't find the first two times around.

I'll definitely keep an eye out for this book the next time I visit the used bookstore.